Write to create
inner change.

Write to revolutionise
your pain.

Six-months of dedicated writing starts October 1, 2024.

Sometimes you don't realize you were holding on until you let go.

Course: Memoir

Disappear with me for six-months…

Memoir 2024-2025 with Tanya Markul
Sale Price:$945.00 Original Price:$1,245.00


Early Bird price: $945
Full price: $1,245

Early bird applied to sign-ups before September 1, 2024.

Starts Friday, October 1, 2024.
Ends Friday, April 4, 2024.

The sale is final. Nonrefundable. Non-transferable.

If you cannot participate within the designated dates of the course for any reason, you are welcome to go at your own pace regardless.

The course price is in USD - US Dollars.

Replay is available until the end of 2025. Email material is yours for life.

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Starts Friday, October 1, 2024
Finishes Friday, April 4, 2025

  • x1 live participatory Zoom call every month offering direction, inspiration, and sharing - you will receive the playback if you do not attend

  • x1 instructional video every month

  • Receive a weekly writing plan, including writing prompts, instruction, and tips via email

  • {Optional} Private Facebook group or WhatsApp group for check-in and community support*

  • No writing experience is required and all backgrounds welcome

  • For those who wish to write a memoir and/or for those looking for a guided writing experience

  • +++Bonus: get the steps I took for how to self-publish your book via Kindle Direct Publishing and how to prepare for traditional publishing, including how to write a book proposal, market your book, and where to find an agent

    *Will be based on a majority of group feedback and preference.

Let’s commit -

This course is non-transferable and non-refundable.
All sales are final.

If you cannot participate within the designated dates of the course for any reason, you are welcome to go at your own pace regardless.

Playback for the October 1, 2024 course is available until the end of 2025.

Email material is yours for life.

Once you register -

You will receive your first communication on the course start date which is October 1.

Course contact:

The power of storytelling, of telling your story, can be to heal and offer the tremendous gifts of closure and beginning again. 

What dates and times will the Zoom calls be held?

Zoom sessions will be held on Sundays 9-11 EST. If you cannot attend, you will receive the playback. Playback will be available until the end of the year.

Who is this workshop for?

This course is for individuals who want to explore and capture the unique tapestry of their own lives.

It’s been crafted for anyone seeking to embark on a journey of self-discovery, possibility, responsibility, clarity, authenticity, reflection, and creative expression through the art of memoir writing.

If you have a desire to explore the possibility of transforming your life story into a compelling, empowered narrative, that helps you to move forward in the most freeing way, I hope you’ll join us.

Whether you are a seasoned writer or are simply eager to write your life experiences, this course welcomes all levels of experience and backgrounds. Open to everyone.

What will happen on the Zoom calls?

On the Zoom calls, I'll delve into the inspiring and personal facets of legendary and revolutionary thinkers, writers, and poets. These stories are shared to encourage and nurture authentic expression, fostering excitement for life and community, and sparking personal contemplation and curiosity.

Additionally, I'll provide writing tips, tools, and memoir how-to guidance to maintain consistency, a clear mission, and invoke the muse. During our sessions, we'll take the time to share challenges, successes, and current states of existence.

What is the purpose of this course?

This type of memoir-type writing intends to help you discover your voice, build self-awareness, and encourage a better, more compassionate, and authentic relationship with yourself and your story.

This writing workshop invites you into a space of creative play and flow, encouraging you to open up to the possibility of writing from a place that feels authentic, freeing, and empowering to you.

How much will I write?

You will receive a weekly writing plan with memoir writing assignments.

Be prepared to write anywhere from 20 to 200 pages over six months. The amount truly depends on your time, commitment, and availability.

Kindly note, the price of this course does not include 1:1 feedback for manuscripts.

If there’s one thing that’s true for every person, it is that everyone has a story to tell.

Have you ever asked yourself:

Where do I start? What do I write about? How do I find my voice? How do I tell my story?

There is always a place you can go to find the answers to these questions. Like I love to say:

Learn to tell your story to the most important person in your life: you.

In other words, use all of your life experiences and everything you’ve been through, felt, dreamt of, loved and longed for, been hurt by, and felt - use it all as inspiration to create a healthy relationship with yourself and your life.

Frida Kahlo said, "I paint myself because I am the subject I know best.”

You do know yourself best, even if it doesn’t feel like it all the time. And, if you’re stuck or having trouble getting unstuck or started, write the resistance. Write through the blocks. Write to create a healthy relationship with your life.

So, let’s start with your story and come back to your story.

“Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace, and power in it.”
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Six-months of dedicated writing:

  • Month 1

    ✓ Purpose, Reflection & Exploration
    ✓ Outlining & Structure Development
    ✓ Self-Care Mindset & Accountability

  • Month 2

    ✓ Creative Application & Expression
    ✓ Define Core Themes
    ✓ Establishing Clear Boundaries

  • Month 3

    ✓ Descriptive Writing & Child’s Mindset
    ✓ Creative Writing Drills
    ✓ Taking Responsibility as Creator

  • Month 4

    ✓ Inner Child & Present Adult
    ✓ Reframing & the Artist’s Metaphor
    ✓ Navigating Challenges with Presence

  • Month 5

    ✓ Accountability & Responsibility
    ✓ Anecdote & Resolution Selection
    ✓ Embracing Limitations & Liberation

  • Month 6

    ✓ A Relationship with Authenticity
    ✓ Unanswered Questions & Loose Ends
    ✓ Nurturing Genuine Esssentials

Writing opens up the possibility for something else…

  • Venture out of the comfort-zone:

    Writing can take you out of your comfort zone in several ways. Firstly, it often invites unconventional language and rhythmic structures that can be challenging at first, requiring you to think more deeply, expressively, and creatively.

  • Address difficult subjects:

    Writing tackles difficult and uncomfortable subjects, such as grief, loss, victimhood, and social injustice, encouraging you to confront uncomfortable emotions and experiences - to even take responsibility for where you are in your life right now.

  • See the world differently:

    Writing encourages you to see the world in new and unexpected ways, pushing you to question your assumptions and challenge your preconceptions. All of these factors can make writing a powerful tool for personal growth.

The process of writing our own stories helps us to go beyond just re-hashing and can allow us to re-vision our lives.

Feel, heal, and reveal
the story that is you.

“The cave fear you enter holds the treasure you seek.”
~ Joseph Campbell, author of The Hero’s Journey

  • Writing creates an intimate and creative space for exploring and expressing emotions. Whether it's joy, anger, frustration, deep sadness, or excitement, the act of putting emotions into words can be cathartic.

    Writing allows you to safely express and examine feelings.

    Writing about difficulties and documenting not only fears but also how you've coped can provide a sense of personal growth, and empowerment, and help you navigate both celebratory and tough situations with more self-trust and grace within yourself.

  • Writing serves as a powerful tool for healing by providing a structured outlet for emotional expression, promoting self-reflection and understanding, and offering a creative and constructive way to navigate through life's challenges.

    Writing provides a space for individuals to make sense of their experiences. It helps clarify thoughts, identify the root causes of distress, and untangle complex emotions.

    Writing can also create a sense of connection, both with oneself and with others. Sharing personal experiences through writing can lead to a feeling of validation and understanding, reducing feelings of isolation, and increasing possibilities for authenticity and inner freedom.

  • Writing often reveals hidden thoughts, desires, and feelings. Through the act of putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), individuals may uncover aspects of themselves that were previously unexplored or not fully understood. It's a process of self-discovery.

    The act of writing allows individuals to explore different perspectives on a given situation. It can reveal alternative viewpoints and open the writer's mind to new ways of thinking, fostering personal growth and empathy.

    When crafting a story or personal narrative, writing can reveal the progression of events and experiences. It unveils the unfolding of a plot or the development of characters, offering a deeper understanding of the journey.

    Writing has the power to unveil authenticity. The genuine voice that emerges on the page, unfiltered and uninhibited, can provide a true reflection of the writer's thoughts and emotions, creating a sense of honesty and vulnerability.

    Writing is a revelation - a process through which the invisible thoughts, emotions, and intentions of the mind are made visible on the page, providing an opportunity for self-reflection, understanding, and connection with others.

Give yourself the best possible chance to discover who you really are.

Learn to use your fear and doubt to explore your possibilities even further.


  • How does self-sabotage and doubt play a role in seeing goals through?

  • What recurring patterns keep you feeling stuck and held back?

Imposter Syndrome

  • How realistic is your self-image?

  • When was the last time you recognized and challenged negative self-talk?

Making Sense of the Past

  • How does acceptance play a role in how you perceive the past?

  • What narratives keep you from creating another layer of peace within you?

Inner Opposition

  • What conflicts are battling it out inside of you?

  • How can you transform internal contradictions into an outward dialogue within yourself?

Daily Motivation

  • How do you start your day? What are your morning non-negotiables?

  • How can structure, clarity, and accountability support you daily and with life goals?

Your Creative Voice

  • Does perfectionism, competition, and comparison stunt your expression?

  • What wisdom do you already have within you? What do you already know to be true?

Our stories reveal so much about who we really are and why we are the way we are, and, our stories can also reveal how much more we are than words and narratives.

 “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.’
~ Mary Oliver, author of Devotions

When we become more self-aware, we become filled with information about ourselves and what we’re working with, and that’s the place where we can begin to decide who we really want to be and how we really want to live.